Install Elrond Packages

Instructions on how to install our Elrond packages.

Elrond Networks

We produce three flavours for our packages:

  • elrond-main - targeting Elrond Mainnet.
  • elrond-test - targeting Elrond Testnet.
  • elrond-dev - targeting Elrond Devnet.

These packages are built using our elrond build-pkg build environment, then signed and published by our repo-mgr tool.

# installs our latest elrond-test package
sudo apt install elrond-test

# check which versions are available
apt-cache madison elrond-test
elrond-test |     1.1.51 | stable/main amd64 Packages
elrond-test |     1.1.50 | stable/main amd64 Packages

# install older version because $reasons
sudo apt install elrond-test=1.1.50

We don’t plan to hold more than the last three versions for any particular build, but in general, you should be keeping up, otherwise, there’s a risk of your node getting slashed.

Supported distributions

These are binaries built by Go, so in general they should work pretty well across multiple Linux/amd64 distributions. Our builds should work well on Debian and Ubuntu. These are built and tested under Ubuntu 20.04. The original builds have been done under Ubuntu 18.04 and they worked on Ubuntu 20.04 without any modifications, for example.

The only actual limitation compatibility wise is our use of xz compression for the deb packages themselves. To the best of our knowledge, none of the actively maintained (LTS) versions of Debian and Ubuntu have compatibility issues with this compression scheme. This should be true for any Debian/Ubuntu derrivatie based on the last two LTS versions.

Configure the installation

While the packages can be manually configured, they have been built for the purpose of being plugged into a proper automation pipeline. For this purpose, we also provide a Chef/Cinc cookbook.